The roadmap document presents a detailed analysis of the challenges facing the Canadian biopharmaceutical industry today. It concludes with a set of recommendations to overcome these challenges.
- The roadmap document provides an excellent overview of the industry so that the casual reader can understand the background and context of the discussion.
- The roadmap document describes not only the challenges facing the industry, but provides insight into why those challenges exist.
- The roadmap document abstracts the challenges facing the industry into two qualitatively different areas: scientific challenges and commercialization challenges; a useful abstraction for other technology roadmaps as well.
- The roadmap document contains an excellent (recurring) graphic which presents challenges along dimensions which represent the lifecycle of both drug development and company development (click on image to enlarge).
- The bulk of the roadmap document discusses the challenges facing the biopharmaceutical industry, representing only the top layer of the canonical roadmap (i.e. "why"). The middle layer (i.e. "what") is addressed only to the extent of providing a list of recommendations addressing the scientific and commercialization challenges. The bottom layer (i.e. "how") is not addressed.
- There is no real timeline, either explicit or implicit within the document, hence the term "roadmap" is not descriptive of the document.
In summary, the Biopharmaceutical Industry Roadmap is an excellent reference for anyone who would like to understand the state of the industry today and the challenges that it faces. It provides a vehicle for follow-on work to paint a) the goals and objectives of the Canadian industry partners over a strategic timeframe (i.e. what the industry is going to do) and b) the R&D efforts that will support those initiatives (how the industry is going to do it).